

Moving Conflict to Success

In a recent conversation a member of an executive leadership team told me, “I just wish the conflict would go away!” That statement became the focal point of a lengthy and lively discussion. He saw conflict as the enemy to peace. Over time he would come to see conflict as his friend. His team had […]

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Why Cooperation is not Enough

When my now adult daughters were children at home, I thought the key to overcoming sibling rivalry was cooperation. Boy, was I ever wrong. A battle of the wills preceded cooperation. Who will succumb first? Cooperation happened when one or the other acquiesced. Coaching teams towards fulfilling a common goal brought a breakthrough, personally and […]

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Life happens at an increasingly faster pace. Ken Blanchard encourages leaders to take time to reflect. The time beside still waters for reflection gets further and further apart, while the white water of activity remains seemingly constant. What are two areas in your life lacking margin? Below are the most common among my clients. Financially […]

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