

Global economies are so tightly intertwined that keeping a competitive edge requires more than an awareness of the trends. Business must grasp the shift towards emerging markets and the impact on current models. International opportunities have never been greater. Navigating risk and reward, staying authentic to the core, and creating winning teams requires skill.

Having lived in Asia over twenty years Mark, has extensive global networks. He knows the intricacies of international networking and who to trust. Mark possesses the skills and the keys necessary to open the doors of opportunity into building sustainable multi-national partnerships.


Mutually beneficial partnerships create opportunity for increasing revenue and expanding influence. Mark’s substantial international networks bring these partnerships together. He regularly consults with multi-cultural businesses resulting in better understanding and deeper trust. This translates into increased effectiveness and productivity. Mark works at finding partners and decision makers needed to grow your international business.


Mark has a proven track record in engaging missional entrepreneurs in community transformation. He will work together with you to determine the best fit for your passion, skills, and giftings. If you are looking to use your business expertise to positively impact communities or people groups, Mark will consult with you to develop and implement an action plan.


Some have great global business minds. Others have amazing missional hearts. Mark masters the blending of the two. For business to succeed on the international scene, value must be continually created. And for missional transformation to be sustained, revenue streams must steadily flow. Mark has aggressively developed and maintained partnerships across the globe, blending business and mission, to propel you towards your desired goal.

Mark bridges gaps. Gaps between domestic expertise and international opportunities. Gaps between missional endeavors and sustainable revenue. Gaps between profitable business and community transformation. Where are you? Where do you want to be? Contact Mark Persall to close the gap.